05 August, 2006

America: Freedom to Fascism

This movie gets a Godlike rating, hands-down. Unfortunately, due to its limited release nationwide, most of you won't have the opportunity to see it, but if you can, you need to see this movie.

America: Freedom to Fascism is probably the best movie that I have ever seen. Why? Because it chronicles wild and crazy and downright scary events that are actually occurring right here in the United States. Truth is stranger than fiction, folks, and this movie certainly proves it.

Did you know that the Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express? I sure didn't. Amazingly, the entity that controls the money supply in the United States is a private bank, owned and operated by private bankers. Incidentally, these private bankers are some of the richest people in the world, but that's not too surprising considering they control the United States' money supply!

Ever wonder who the government owes the approximately 8.5 trillion dollars of the national debt to? Surprise, most of it is to the Federal Reserve, a private bank owned by private bankers. Ever wonder what the government does with your income taxes? Surprise, most of it goes to the Federal Reserve, a private bank owned by private bankers, to pay for interest on the national debt.

However, as scary as this is, this is only one of dozens of downright frightening topics touched upon in America: Freedom to Fascism.

Ever wonder if there might be illegal activities going on behind the closed doors at the IRS? Well, if so, you are right. However, even the FBI is afraid of the IRS, so no one is willing to stand up and challenge them. There have been multiple documented cases of the IRS coming into people's homes and confiscating anything and everything based solely on word of mouth coming from disgruntled neighbors or former employees who baselessly accused them of not paying taxes. These people were eventually found to be not guilty of any wrongdoing, but did that stop the IRS from keeping their stuff? Of course not.

Then there's the Real ID act which requires everyone to have a National ID card starting in 2008. It also encourages the establishment of checkpoints throughout the United States to track the movements of citizens throughout the country. The National ID cards will be associated with all kinds of personal information including social security numbers, and will require some kind of biometric information to be present on the card such as fingerprints or retinal scans.

Those without National ID cards will be barred from flying on airplanes, riding Amtrak trains, opening back accounts, or entering federal buildings. Now this may not sound all that scary considering that driver's licenses have basically served this purpose in the past, but the truly frightening prospect is what the government is already working on to replace the National ID cards: implanted RFID chips.

Work has already begun on RFID chips with built-in GPS tracking that can be implanted under the skin of any human being. Once implanted, a person's location can be tracked anywhere by anyone with the right equipment. The ultimate goal is to then tie financial transactions to the RFID chip implanted in each person; thereby reducing all forms of commerce to electronic means. With the simple flip of a switch it would then be possible to completely wipe out a person's finances or national identification as they would both be tied to a controllable, implanted RFID chip.

Then, of course, there's the controversial Patriot Act. Did you know that this act gives the government the power to put anyone in jail for life without even charging them with a crime? And what about domestic wiretapping? Most people are aware that President Bush has been using this to spy on the conversations of American citizens. But what most people don't know is that President Clinton also used domestic wiretapping to spy on the the conversations of American citizens before the "war on terror" even began. This just goes to show that the government is completely unconcerned with the privacy of its citizens, no matter what party is in power.

There are dozens of other highly interesting topics covered in the film, but before I end this review, I need to point out that this is not a politically-biased film. Both Republicans and Democrats are taken to task equally for their role in allowing our civil liberties to continue to erode.

I found the ending to this film to be particularly poignant:
Stop being good Democrats.
Stop being good Republicans.
Start being good Americans.

If neither the Democrat nor the Republican candidates in an election are willing to step up to protect our civil liberties, then maybe it's time to find some candidates who will.

Here's hoping that most of the things portrayed in America: Freedom to Fascism never come about. However, the scary thing is that many of them already have.

I encourage everyone to check out the website http://www.freedomtofascism.com. Sign the petition to shut down the Federal Reserve. Order a DVD of the movie when they are available. Sometimes a little Civil Disobedience may be in order, especially if it comes down to implanted RFID chips. Stand up and be heard!

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